Luckily, the researchers stumbled upon the naturally occurring chemical in beetroot peel, as the chemical's synthetic form costs over one million USD per gram
QAnon advocates are urging people to drink a fatal concoction known as Miracle Mineral Solution, which they claim can provide protection against the rapidly spreading disease
The nanoparticle targets atherosclerotic plaque because of its ability to selectively target a particular type of white blood cells(WBCs)— macrophages and monocytes
Today's update: Number of people affected rises to 1,754,457 worldwide, with 107,520 deaths and 395,418 recovered so far, as per the latest GISAID update
Much has been spoken about how the disease spreads and the nature of crackdowns upon the spread of the disease, not much about the treatment administered to infected patients
While the consumption of alcohol and medical emergencies associated with it are on the rise, the rates of alcohol-related deaths witnessed a drastic spike