Days after undergoing the massage, Phing Chyada, started experiencing symptoms such as pain in the head, numbness in her arms before she suffered 50% body paralysis. She died a few weeks later.
Johnathan Allen, 25, has been charged with three counts of sexual exploitation of a minor and one count of criminal solicitation of a minor for allegedly texting and conversing with a 13-year-old in South Carolina.
Shaqkera Graham, 26, has been charged with dealing in a narcotic drug, trafficking a controlled substance with an inmate, official misconduct and false informing.
Phil Heiman, a 69-year-old cyclist, was stung by the bee shortly after he accidentally swallowed it during a warm-up, causing his throat to swell up and making him unable to breathe.
The lawsuit alleges that UnitedHealthcare used AI to deny coverage to elderly patients who are on a Medicare Advantage plan, despite allegedly being aware that the algorithm has a 90 percent error rate.
Marcela Alcazar Rodriguez, 33, was attending a spiritual retreat ceremony as part of a Healer Training Diploma when she drank a drink called Kombo, which contained the frog venom.
Reverend Mother Teresa Agnes Gerlach of breaking her chastity vows by having an online love affair with Father Philip Johnson, a former priest from the diocese in Raleigh, N.C.