Vehicles Not Made on Earth? Pentagon's UFO Files May Reveal More Alien Secrets But When Senators who urged disclosure of UFO documents believe that these flying objects are being made using alien technology Jul 25, 2020 Alien
Coronavirus Can Travel Up To 26-ft Under Cold, Stale Settings, Confirms New Study A study conducted by researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology had earlier revealed that coronavirus could travel up to 8 meters Jul 24, 2020 Coronavirus
Coronavirus D614G Mutation Creates Quick Clusters Resulting in Rapid Spread, Finds Expert Researchers found that D614G mutation is the most dominant coronavirus mutation, accounting for 75 percent of the total cases Jul 23, 2020 Coronavirus
Remains of Judah Kingdom Unearthed Near US Embassy in Israel Researchers revealed that these unearthed antiquities from the Judah Kingdom are at least 2,700 years old Jul 23, 2020
Public Health Worker Who Predicted Coronavirus Catastrophe Fired from Office Rebekah Jones believes that she was fired as she refused to publish misleading coronavirus health data. Jul 23, 2020 Coronavirus
Amid Anti-Mask Campaigns, Donald Trump Says Coronavirus Outbreak in U.S. Will Get Worse The novel coronavirus, originated from a Chinese seafood market has already killed 144,958 people in the United States Jul 22, 2020 Coronavirus
Will World Witness Zombie Apocalypse? Experts Say Yes as One Pathogen Could Wreak Havoc A top expert had recently claimed that dealing with a zombie apocalypse is easier when compared to containing coronavirus outbreak Jul 22, 2020
Plato's Prediction Turns True: Earth's Platonic Shape is Cube Researchers who took part in this study made it clear that most of the rocks on Earth followed the cubic rule. Jul 22, 2020
This Love Hormone Could Help Treat Diseases Like Alzheimer's A previous study had suggested that blood tests can help identify Alzheimer's disease in a very early stage. Jul 22, 2020
Daredevil Private Pilot Releases Never Seen Before Images of Area 51 Conspiracy theorists strongly believe that aliens are secretly living in Area 51, a remote military site located in Nevada desert Jul 21, 2020
Venus Is Not Dormant, It Has 'Ring of Fire' Volcanoes Right Now The research primarily focused on ring-like structures on Venus called coronae. Jul 21, 2020
Majority of Coronavirus Patients Will Have Antibodies for At Least 90 Days, Says New Study With more than 14.4 million positive cases, coronavirus is wreaking havoc in all nooks of the world Jul 20, 2020 Coronavirus
World End Prophecy: Biblical Preacher Predicts Real Identity of Antichrist Pastor Paul Begley believes that antichrist will soon rise as a formidable political leader, who will shape the world according to his wish. Jul 20, 2020
Did the US Military Develop a Time Travel Machine Capable of Seeing Past? American Ufologist Says Yes Steven Greer revealed that this advanced time traveling technique was developed in the 1970s by the United States military. Jul 19, 2020
Did an Alien Hunter Just Spot a UFO Using Google Earth? The UFO, spotted over a beach in New Zealand beach, has a seemingly metallic body, and conspiracy theorists consider it an authentic proof of alien presence Jul 18, 2020 Alien
Coronavirus Vaccine Hopes Fade as Permanent Immunity to Pathogen May Not Be Possible A previous study report had suggested that coronavirus has already mutated to more than 30 different strains Jul 18, 2020 Coronavirus
Expert Claims 'This' Sound Can Trigger Orgasm Among Women Experts believe that sounds at this frequency could help people to improve their empathy and spiritual health Jul 17, 2020
UFO With 'Whoosh Sound' Spotted in North West England, Witness Clueless After rising from a ball of light, this orb-like UFO soon turned red, and disappeared quickly in the skies. Jul 17, 2020
Scientists Reveal Mindblowing Details about NEOWISE Comet's Tail NEOWISE comet, initially discovered on March 27, will make its closest approach with Earth on July 22. Jul 16, 2020
Tic-Tac UFO Incident Needs Serious Scientific Investigation, Claims Expert A US Navy veteran had previously claimed that the UFO videos released by Pentagon are actually short Jul 15, 2020