The three men were last seen alive two days earlier on January 7, during a small gathering to watch the Kansas City Chiefs' playoff game against the Los Angeles Chargers.
Acharya, a double major in computer science and data science at the John Martinson Honours College of Purdue University, completed his schooling at St. Mary's School in Pune.
Davies, following in her mother's footsteps, played a younger version of Viki in flashbacks in 2002 and later in 2013 when the series was briefly revived as a web series.
The 57-year-old from San Antonio, who was not held in jail pending trial, is accused of an extensive six-year fraud that she concealed from military authorities.
Law enforcement, in collaboration with the Los Angeles County Lifeguards and the US Coast Guard, launched an extensive search of both the beach and the ocean for Hanie.