Even though it is two centuries since electromagnetism was deduced, scientists still have a lot of questions about the actual origin of massive electromagnetic fields.
Scientists who examined fossilized Moroccan Ampyx trilobites living 480 million years ago concluded that all early living species exhibited collective behaviour. They found that trilobites were most probably buried in positions oriented in the same direction.
If you are in the midst of blue light that is being emitted by your phone, computer and other items in your house, it could be speeding up your age. The blue light might be harming your retinas as well as your brain cells.
Some ancient solar magnetic storms have been inscribed on cuneiform astrological records. Coupled with carbon-14 dating, scientists feel that the tablets might help with understanding intense solar activity that poses a threat to electronics today.
Due to huge drifts of snowfall and extreme winter in northern Greenland last year, the reproductive lives of birds and bees in northern Greenland just collapsed in 2018.
Astronomers examined 3D motions of gas in a planet-forming disk at three locations around a young star called HD 163296. They found that gas was flowing like a waterfall into gaps that seemed to be caused by infant planets.
Scientists have grown crops in Martian and Moon's soil simulants that were bolstered by NASA. They seem to indicate that food can be grown on Martian and lunar soil in order to feed settlers on those planets and also to obtain some seeds from them.
A NASA space engineer has come up with the original idea of a 'helical engine' as a solution to the next-generation space accelerator, which can propel spacecraft "close to light speed".
Scientists are excited that babies are able to process new and unexpected information through a unique learning process. How do they integrate novel data?
New research sheds light on the age of ice deposits in the Moon's south pole -- information that could help identify the sources of the deposits and help in planning future human exploration.
Sometimes the hereditary material might split and fall apart, which leads to chromosomal errors that might lead to Down's, Turner or Kleinfelter syndrome.
Owning a dog automatically leads to 33% lower risk of early death for heart attack survivors living alone, as well as 27% reduced risk of early death for stroke survivors who live alone.