Miley Cyrus released a statement announcing her separation from Liam Hemsworth after pictures surfaced, that showed Miley getting intimate with Kaitlyn Carter.
Apparently, Prince William has voiced concerns about his sibling's behavior. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been facing a lot of criticism for their decisions and hypocrisy.
Reportedly, Ku Hye Sun has responded to a report stating that Ahn Jae Hyun is planning to reveal the full version of the text messages Ku Hye Sun had previously revealed.
Reportedly, Prince Harry risked infuriating his grandmother, Her Majesty the Queen, after he breached royal protocol for Meghan Markle, unearthed reports reveal.
Ku Hye Sun does not seem to be taking the news of her divorce very well, the actress reportedly took to Instagram to reveal that her husband Ahn Jae Hyun wanted a divorce.
There have been reports of an alleged feud brewing between Meghan and Kate, and it looks like Prince Harry's recent comments may have re-ignited that alleged feud.
It seems like whatever lesson in frugality Meghan was trying to convey with her birthday celebrations, which she claimed would be a smaller affair was negated by the Ibiza trip.