A new study based on findings from mainland China has revealed the heightened mortality rate of people in their middle-age
As per the researchers, more than nine million deaths (84%) will be in low-income and also the lower-middle-income countries
The coronavirus outbreak has created a major stir around the world claiming the lives of more than 37,000 people globally
The video, published by NHK Global shows some experiments conducted by a group of researchers in proving the fast spread of micro-droplets in the air when a person is sick
Dr Vishal Rao of Bangalore finds treatment for COVID-19 using a method that strengthens our immunity, similar to the one Cuba uses
Tabligh-e-Jamaat held a religious conference in India and Malaysia, earlier this month, leading to a surge in cluster novel coronavirus cases in the region
The latest claim by netizens suggests that hand sanitizer made by mixing rum, bleach and fabric softener is effective in protecting against the novel coronavirus.
An expert addressed the growing concerns regarding China's increasing presence on the Moon and its plans to establish a lunar outpost
A stream of solar winds currently hitting Earth could trigger auroras in the sky over the Arctic Circle
MIT researchers have invented a device that can help treat diabetes by generating insulin inside the body using implantable cells
A study conducted on meteorites from Mars revealed that the Red Planet could have at least two pools of water
The doctor prescribed the drug for himself as a preventive measure against COVID-19; India has reported over 1,250 confirmed cases and 32 deaths due to the coronavirus so far
The study is based on the 2,425 genome samples submitted to the open database NextStrain, from every continent, except Antarctica
The total number of Covid-19 fatalities reported from around the world has surpassed 37,000; as the number of infection cases has reached 785,709
A recent study had suggested that asymptomatic Covid-19 patients could elevate the chances of community spread in heavily populated countries