A new study revealed that Earth's ecosystem is in danger of collapsing due to a combination of different factors
Scientists from Australia was able to recreate the virus, which could lead to a possible solution of a vaccine, if not a cure
On Sunday, Wuhan's mayor admitted that 5 million people had traveled out of Wuhan, before the city was placed in a complete lock-down
The world health body will send experts to China to study the virus outbreak, referred to as "devil" by the Chinese President
The TWICE member said it was so hard for her to follow the diet plan that she thought she might die of starvation while sleeping and she cried at night thinking about it.
From fillers to botox to expensive cosmetic surgeries, there is no dearth of age-reversing procedures targeting women
The Red Velvet member also spoke about the importance of eating healthy for staying fit while sharing details about the impact of exercise on a person's body and mind.
Several experts believe that rogue space bodies like asteroids hold the key to discovering alien life in the near future
The Chelyabinsk meteor mid-air explosion injured more than 1,000 people in Russia in 2013, and scientists are not ruling out such an event in the future
The nanoparticle targets atherosclerotic plaque because of its ability to selectively target a particular type of white blood cells(WBCs)— macrophages and monocytes
A British tourist ripped off his penis after having hard and ferocious sex with a Thai prostitute in Pattaya
Before-and-after photos clearly show how much the appearance of NASA's Curiosity rover has changed after spending over seven years on Mars
The robot has a built-in screen and is equipped with an in-built screen and sports a stethoscope, much like a real healthcare professional
Residents of the English town of Wigan have reported a series of UFO sightings over the years and still don't have a logical explanation behind the mysterious flying objects.
The European Space Agency will conduct a new program that will test the collaborative functions of two lunar robotic rovers