Science & Health


Researchers unearth secrets of giardia parasite

Researchers of University of East Anglia (UEA) has identified 2 protein, one similar to a protein in cells which is responsible for giardiasis, a common gut disease.
Jan 29, 2018
By ​Rahul K R
Rare walking fish

Rare walking fish discovered off the Tasmanian coast

A team of divers has discovered a rare fish population off the Tasmanian coast, and this species has finger-like fins which help them to walk across the surface of the ocean
Jan 29, 2018
By Nirmal Narayanan

Why you feel attracted to the opposite sex

Researchers have found that it is the work of a brain hormone called kisspeptin, that drives both attraction to the opposite sex and sexual behaviours.
Jan 28, 2018
Orca killer whale

Yacht Sinks After Being Rammed by Orcas in the Strait of Gibraltar, Again

By Manthan C.