Science & Health

Alzheimer's researcher of Research Center and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV), shows a victims' brain

High brain urea plays a pivotal role in dementia: Study

The toxic build-up of urea, a compound created by the liver, in the brain has been found as the major reason that can cause brain damage and lead to Huntington's Disease, one of seven major types of age-related dementia, finds a study.
Dec 12, 2017
How does it look when earth is bombarded with dark matter?

How does it look when earth is bombarded with dark matter?

As Earth travels through space, it constantly collides with dark matter. Although the mysterious particles are unobservable to human eyes, researchers are sure of their existence and believe that they are the glue that bind the galaxies of the Universe together.  Scientists created a computer simulation - DaMaSCUS - to test what the Earth could look like being hit by dark matter and how they scatter across space.
Dec 12, 2017
By Staff Reporter
Fibrosis / scarring

New drug prevents loss of muscle function

Researchers have found a new drug that reduces fibrosis (scarring) and prevents loss of muscle function in an animal model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD).
Dec 12, 2017