
Trump is so pleased with tax reform plan, he kisses it

Trump is so pleased with tax reform plan, he kisses it

US President Donald Trump welcomed House Speaker Paul Ryan and the other authors of the Republican plan to reform Americas tax code to the White House on 2 November. They had just crafted a near top-to-bottom overhaul of the tax code, which Trump says will generate trillions of dollars into the US Treasury and spur businesses across the nation to hire new workers. Trump marveled at the Republican claim that many Americans will now file their taxes using a one-page document. He was so pleased, he kissed a mock-up example of the new tax form.
Nov 3, 2017
By Staff Reporter
Sonys new Aibo robot dog is the cutest in AI technology

Sonys new Aibo robot dog is the cutest in AI technology

Sonys Aibo robo-dog is now more lifelike than ever. After more than a decade away, Sony has bred an even cuter and more sophisticated robot dog: Aibo. The pet robot dog uses artificial intelligence to interact with its human owner.  It can wag its tail and play tricks like fetch or high-five.
Nov 3, 2017
By Staff Reporter
Nasa plans return to moon with Orion spacecraft

Nasa plans return to moon with Orion spacecraft

In 2019 Nasa plans to launch the first test of the Space Launch System and the new Orion spacecraft as part of Nasas plans to send people to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. A human test mission is scheduled for 2023.
Nov 3, 2017
By Staff Reporter
No Gain No Love

No Gain No Love Episode 9: How to Watch, Airdate, Preview, Spoilers, Streaming Details, and More

6 hours ago
By Ilin Mathew