Mercury Transit was visible in the US East Coast, Canada, South and Central America throughout its transit while the rest of the globe captured s small sliver of it. Those in Asia, including Singapore, and Australia missed the event entirely.
Scientists have been working on combining Tardigrades DNA with human cells to make astronauts endure extreme conditions in space and protect them from harmful radiation.
Male mice that were raised in outer space in special cages got back to earth and were found by scientists to have their sperm production or fertilizing ability remaining normal.
Even though it is two centuries since electromagnetism was deduced, scientists still have a lot of questions about the actual origin of massive electromagnetic fields.
Astronomers examined 3D motions of gas in a planet-forming disk at three locations around a young star called HD 163296. They found that gas was flowing like a waterfall into gaps that seemed to be caused by infant planets.
Scientists have grown crops in Martian and Moon's soil simulants that were bolstered by NASA. They seem to indicate that food can be grown on Martian and lunar soil in order to feed settlers on those planets and also to obtain some seeds from them.