Apple's anniversary mobile iPhone X can now be purchased for less than Rs 48,000 at the ongoing Dussehra festive sale on Paytm Mall. Read to know if the iPhone X is worth buying now or not.
The system is in use in France, Israel, the US and the UK, and can not only detect, track and classify if the drone is a micro, mini or large but also differentiate between a bird and drone.
A straight forward approach to see if you're even on Google+ is to visit your Gmail inbox and tap on your profile picture in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
OnePlus 6T is expected to make official debut in the third week of October and come with hefty price-tag. Read to know the most anticipated features of the new Android phone.
A trial process of the electronic cards will be conducted at the Woodlands and Tuas Checkpoints, Changi Airport and Singapore's four cruise/ferry terminals.