Scientists analysed the data collected by Cassini and found that there is a huge possibility that Saturn's moon is the best place to support life apart from Earth.
A paranormal investigator has spotted a pulsating UFO in the skies of Las Vegas on May 04, and conspiracy theorists believe that it is an alien spaceship
A space journalist has spotted a giant skull on the Martian surface, and it has made many believe that the red planet was once home to an ancient civilization
A YouTube conspiracy theory channel has spotted a bird like UFO in the skies of Mars, and they strongly claim that it is the proof of alien life on the red planet
Researchers from Japan and Germany have discovered traces of moganite in one of the lunar meteorites, and this component is often found in the presence of water
The video features a streak of cylindrical shaped UFOs shooting across the sky in Norway, and conspiracy theorists believe that this is a solid proof of alien life
A former military man has apprently shot the picture of a UFO over the skies of Shrewsbury, and alien enthusiasts believe that it is a proof of extraterrestrial life