The White House received a letter of recommendation from Dr Harvey Fineberg, chair of the Standing Committee on Emerging Infectious Diseases and 21st Century Health Threats
Although polio has been largely eradicated, apart from certain pockets of the world, the spread of coronavirus pandemic throughout the world, has raised an alarm
The measures include a short time work scheme, SURE, to help economies in the European Union. Also, there will be schemes to help farmers and fishermen
Big Tobacco has joined the COVID-19 vaccine race as two tobacco companies — Philip Morris and British American Tobacco — announce tobacco-based vaccines
The coronavirus pandemic has created a major stir around the world claiming the lives of over more than 47,000 people worldwide and is spreading like wildfire
White House coronavirus task force's close source told, if strong measures were taken earlier, the severity of the pandemic could have significantly reduced in the US
According to recent fake viral messages, the WHO has requested people to avoid eating cabbage and bakery products as the virus can stay for a long time in them.
The decision was taken in the backdrop of the novel coronavirus pandemic, the origin of which is attributed to a local sea-food and wet market in the Chinese city of Wuhan
There are four doctors who had ancestry in regions including Africa, Asia and the Middle East, died in UK while saving other lives affected by Novel Coronavirus