Created by Facebook's New Product Experimentation (NPE) team, the Tuned app is described as 'a private space where you and your significant other can just be yourselves'
The social media network has expanded its Download Your Information and Download Your Data tool on Facebook and Instagram to include more info that it collects about you
The team watched 25 participants scroll through their Facebook or Twitter feeds while a Google Chrome extension randomly added debunked content on top of some of the real posts
Google has followed Facebook in temporarily banning ads for medical face masks in an effort to stop people from profiting from the public health emergency
The Australian Information Commissioner filed a lawsuit against Facebook after accusing the company of selling the users' information to political consultant
While Italy has reported most deaths outside China due to Coronavirus outbreak, Singapore warned on Friday that deaths in the city-state would become inevitable
The social network has developed an AI-powered 3D depth sensing technology that allows it to bring its 3D photos feature to devices that don't have portrait mode capable cameras
Billionaire philanthropist George Soros called for the removal of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg while discussing about the policy on political ads