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People Queue Up For Free Hugs Offered By Blindfolded Muslim Man In Manchester

People Queue Up For Free Hugs Offered By Blindfolded Muslim Man In Manchester

A blindfolded Muslim man offered free hugs on the streets of Manchester, with a sign next to him reading Im Muslim and I trust you. Do you trust me enough for a hug?.The terror attack on an Ariana Grande concert in the Manchester Arena, where Salman Abedi detonated a nail bomb that killed 22 people, has coincided with an increase in hate crimes on Muslim people.
May 29, 2017
By Staff Reporter
Manchester attacker was sick says tearful mother in plea for missing daughter

Manchester attacker was sick says tearful mother in plea for missing daughter

Hundreds of people are desperately searching for loved ones in the aftermath of a terror attack at Manchester Arena which left 22 dead and almost 60 injured. Among those searching for children was Charlotte Campbell, who has not heard from her 15-year-old daughter Olivia since the attack.
May 23, 2017
By Staff Reporter
India@75: Article-370 in J&K is history, three glorious years later, "nothing" has changed

India@75: Article-370 in J&K is History; Three Glorious Years Later, "Nothing" Has Changed

By Danish Manzoor