
Trump supporters confronted after allegedly calling 5-year-old girl a terrorist

Trump supporters confronted after allegedly calling 5-year-old girl a terrorist

A Palestinian-American family recorded this video confronting Trump supporters after the group allegedly called their 5-year-old cousin a terrorist. The argument with the group wearing pro-Trump clothing erupted on a Los Angeles street after the family attended a pro-Palestine demonstration nearby.
Dec 13, 2017
By Staff Reporter
President Trump calls for ending chain migration and the visa lottery program following attempted terror attack

President Trump calls for ending chain migration and the visa lottery program following attempted terror attack

There have now been two terrorist attacks in New York City in recent weeks, carried out by foreign nationals here on green cards. The first attacker came through the visa lottery and the second through chain migration. Well going to end both of them. The lottery system and chain migration: were going to end them, fast, President Trump said on 12 December, one day after the second terror attack that he cited.  
Dec 13, 2017
By Staff Reporter
Merriam-Webster names feminism word of the year

Merriam-Webster names feminism word of the year

Merriam- Webster Dictionary has named and amp;#39;feminism and amp;#39; as the word of 2017. Other words included in their top ten list are and amp;#39;dotard, and amp;#39; and amp;#39;complicit, and amp;#39; and amp;#39;recuse and amp;#39; and and amp;#39;hurricane. and amp;#39;
Dec 13, 2017
By Staff Reporter
Merriam-Webster names feminism word of the year

Merriam-Webster names feminism word of the year

Merriam- Webster Dictionary has named and amp;#39;feminism and amp;#39; as the word of 2017. Other words included in their top ten list are and amp;#39;dotard, and amp;#39; and amp;#39;complicit, and amp;#39; and amp;#39;recuse and amp;#39; and and amp;#39;hurricane. and amp;#39;
Dec 13, 2017
By Staff Reporter
Extremely cute rescued otter pup joins Oregon Zoo

Extremely cute rescued otter pup joins Oregon Zoo

A sea otter pup rescued in California took up residence at the Oregon Zoo on Friday, December 8. The pup was rescued in late October in Morro Bay Harbor, California, at less than two weeks old.
Dec 13, 2017
By Staff Reporter
Marcee Gray

Marcee Gray: Georgia School Shooter Colt Gray's Mom Charged with Abusing Her Own Mother for Taping Her to Chair and Damaging Her Home

By R. Ghosh