In total, about 21,000 people have lost their jobs at the social network across departments.
The ruling applies only to Facebook and not Instagram and WhatsApp. Meta said it would appeal against the Irish watchdog's decision.
A day before the murder, Kadejah Brown, accused her now-deceased husband, Jeremy Brown, of cheating on her with a co-worker in a post on social media.
The job cuts to be announced shortly would amount to 5 percent of the workforce of around 220,000 employees, Sky News reported.
According to the new report, which cited the Financial Times, Meta is likely to take a decision later in January.
The new policy means users can no longer include a link to their profiles on other social networks in their Twitter bio.
Social Media
Individuals associated with the US military have been engaged in fake accounts on Facebook and Instagram to spread pro-Western narrative.
Over 11,000 employees are being sent home by Meta, Facebook's parent company, after a noted revenue decline in Q3.
Keaira Bennefield posted video footage of her husband, Adam Bennefield, brutally beating her on Facebook hours before she was shot and killed by him.
The plan is to steadily reduce headcount growth over the next year, warns Mark Zuckerberg.
A British head teacher has been slapped with a 20 month jail sentence for allegedly grooming at least 131 children across the world via social media.
Yvette Brady, 31, was charged with endangering the welfare of her child and simple assault after doctors found it suspicious that the child's injuries were not healing under her mother's care.
The deposition came as part of a lawsuit filed in a California court on behalf of Facebook users impacted by Meta's partnership with Cambridge Analytica.
Her body was discovered several hours later after two other men, who were also staying at the hotel went to the pool later in the day.
Dima's dedication matched up with his ambitions, and he soon became fully fluent in English, while seeking out opportunities with other agencies.
Police found 3-5 gallon buckets of human organs and skin in Pauley's basement.
Data showed at the end of June that the US economy contracted in the first quarter at a faster rate than anticipated earlier.
Hip-hop dance legend Bruno 'Pop N' Taco' Falcon passed away at the age of 58 in his home.
The tightening at Meta comes in the backdrop of the massive drop in its advertising revenues in recent times.
Weird World
A hiker from Montrose, Pennsylvania, discovered huge tracks of Big Foot in an area of the woods he was familiar with for a period of three years.