Parents claim R Kelly is holding their daughters in an abusive cult

Parents claim R Kelly is holding their daughters in an abusive cult

A BuzzFeed News report came out on 17 July, 2017 accusing R and amp;B singer R. Kelly of holding six women against their will - in what has been described as a cult. According to the report, parents of three young women accuse R. Kelly of predatory behavior towards their daughters, dictating every aspects of their lives. Three former members of the singers entourage back up these allegations, saying that Kelly decides what they eat, how they dress, when they sleep and how they engage in sexual encounters. The women also have their phones confiscated so they cant communicate with family and friends, and are punished if they break any of these rules. R. Kelly is the sweetest person you will ever want to meet, but Robert is the devil, a woman who used to live with him told BuzzFeed. Despite the claims, all women living there say theyre fine, and a couple go further to say they dont want to be bothered. Several of the womens parents have gone to the police to try to get their daughters back, but no arrests have been made - since theyre all of legal age and have claimed theyre not being held against their will.
Jul 18, 2017
By Staff Reporter

Man creates incredible Godzilla costume

California-based designer Krystopher Baioa spent 14 months putting together an epic Godzilla costume. The costume cost $3,000 to make and weighs 150lbs.
Jul 18, 2017
By Staff Reporter