He won the prize for his film "The Net," also known as "Between Two Shores," about a North Korean fisherman, played by actor Ryoo Seung-bum, whose boat drifts to South Korea.
The Korea Institute for Corporate Reputation has released the latest figures based on an analysis of 161.15 million pieces of big data of 50 Korean movie stars.
The polling company, which has been tracking Koreans' favourite TV programs since January 2013, made a survey among 1,004 respondents aged 19 and above from October 17 to 19.
The 24-year-old singer has released his second studio album titled "Move" and will be appearing as a mentor on the idol rebooting TV show "The Unit," which will air starting on October 28.
In the October 22 episode of the Korean reality TV show "Mom's Diary-My Ugly Duckling," Kangnam and fellow singer Tony An visited the house of TV personality Sam Okyere, a Ghana native who has been living in South Korea for nine years.
Koreans are outraged after 53-year-old restaurant owner Kim died of sepsis, days after she was bitten by Siwon's dog Bugsy inside an elevator in their apartment building in Seoul.
On the list are Beyonce, Ariana Grande, Chrissy Teigen, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Donald Trump, Kim Kardashian, Kendall and Kylie Jenner, Taylor Swift, Ellen DeGeneres, Katy Perry, Barack Obama, Rihanna, BTS and Dwayne Johnson.