Science & Health


This material generates electricity when stressed

Swiss scientists have developed a rubber filament which could generate electricity when stretched. The new technology could be used as lesser risky alternatives to batteries used in surgical implants.
Nov 15, 2017
Meteor shower

Leonid meteor shower: Where, how and when to watch it

The Leonid meteor shower would be prevalent throughout the month. The best time to look the meteor is during the early mornings of November 17, 18. Around 20 asteroids could be visible at any time in the sky.
Nov 14, 2017
By ​Rahul K R
Poor tribal women protect the forest

Women power: How a forest was saved from timber mafia

Armed with just water bottles and sticks, a group of poor tribal women in Muturkham village of Purbi Singhbhum district of Jharkhand trekked miles to the sal forest that surrounded their habitat. Their mission: To save the forest from being plundered and denuded by the "forest mafia".
Nov 14, 2017
fruits to fight against diabetes

Suffering from diabetes? Stick to these fruits

Diabetes has come to be one of the most dreaded offshoots of modern and hectic lifestyles. In such cases, fruits play a major role and can go a long way in helping a diabetes patients condition from worsening.
Nov 14, 2017
Orca killer whale

Yacht Sinks After Being Rammed by Orcas in the Strait of Gibraltar, Again

By Manthan C.