Science & Health


People's emotions can now be identified through voice

Researchers have developed a new technology which could identify human emotions from their voice. This technology is believed to be a new step in the human-computer, human-technology interactions.
Nov 10, 2017
By ​Rahul K R
East meets west as Lourvre opens in Abu Dhabi

East meets west as Lourvre opens in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi opens its Louvre museum on 11 November, positioning itself as a city of cultural tourism with a display of hundreds of works that it hopes will draw visitors from around the world.
Nov 10, 2017
By Staff Reporter
NASAs Hubble space telescope captures supernovas light echo

NASAs Hubble space telescope captures supernovas light echo

Over a period of two-and-a-half years, NASAs Hubble Space Telescope observed the light echo of supernova SN 2014J in galaxy M82, located 11.4 million light-years away. The echo happens when light from the explosion bounces off a cloud of a giant cloud of gas and dust near the supernova.
Nov 10, 2017
By Staff Reporter

Space events to watch this November

The moth of November has a series of space events which could be a great treat for the space enthusiasts. Here are some of the important events to check
Nov 10, 2017
By ​Rahul K R
Orca killer whale

Yacht Sinks After Being Rammed by Orcas in the Strait of Gibraltar, Again

By Manthan C.